Your Question 4 | How Can I Overcome My Fear of Speaking English in Class?
On the 4th episode of Your Question, we handle the following question: Q: How can I overcome my fear of speaking English in class? On the English 2.0 Podcast, I help you
On the 4th episode of Your Question, we handle the following question: Q: How can I overcome my fear of speaking English in class? On the English 2.0 Podcast, I help you
Download Video File (202MB) ***Right Click-->Save Link As On the 20th episode of the English 2.0 Podcast, we handle the following points: Pronunciation Point: "angry" vs. "hungry" Main Topic: The Truth About Your
On the 3rd episode of Your Question, we handle the following question: Q: When learning English, should I translate to my mother language or learn words and phrases directly in English
On the 19th episode of the English 2.0 Podcast, we handle the following points: Pronunciation Point: "owner" vs. "honor" Main Topic: The Truth About Your English Education (Pt.1) English 2.0 Quick Tip: Use
On the 2nd episode of Your Question, we handle the following question: Q: How can I train my conversation skills? On the English 2.0 Podcast, I help you express yourself more naturally
On the 18th episode of the English 2.0 Podcast, we handle the following points: Pronunciation Point: "feature" vs "future" Main Topic: Why Are You Learning English? Leave your Comments here! English 2.0 Quick Tip:
On the 1st episode of Your Question, we handle the following question: Q: Is chatting through Twitter effective to improve your English? On the English 2.0 Podcast, I help you express yourself
On the 17th episode of the English 2.0 Podcast, we handle the following points: Pronunciation Point: "travel" vs "trouble" Main Topic: How to Increase your TOEIC score by 100 points English 2.0 Quick
On the 16th episode of the English 2.0 Podcast, we handle the following points: Pronunciation Point: 3 Crazy Katakana Words Main Topic: How to Improve Your Speaking Ability Very Quickly English 2.0 Tip: