On the 10th episode of Speaking Skills, we learn how to develop this skill:


Sometimes in a conversation, it’s hard to understand the other person. Perhaps, they use a word you don’t know or their explanation is unclear. In this lesson, we learn how to ask the other person to clarify what they mean. Also, we learn how to clarify our own explanations.

Here are some basic expressions to CLARIFY someone else:

What do you mean by that?
Could you explain that in another way?

Here are some basic expressions to CLARIFY yourself:

What I mean by that is…
In other words,…

Watch Speaking Skills 10 to see more examples.

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On the English 2.0 Podcast, I help you express yourself more naturally and smoothly. We go beyond the words and phrases and talk about how to make your English sound more natural, proper mindset, and success principles.

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