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Yes! That is a good phrase for describing the weather! Certainly there are days when it rains occasionally and “raining off and on” is a good phrase to describe that.
4 replies to "Many Ways to Describe the Weather"
I have heard the phrase that “Raining off and on.”
これは”雨が降ったり止んだり”と言う意味だと思いますが、これも wether phrase になりますか?
Hi Miki,
Yes! That is a good phrase for describing the weather! Certainly there are days when it rains occasionally and “raining off and on” is a good phrase to describe that.
Thanks for sharing!
There is an idiom “on cloud nine”
Hi Michael,
Yes, that’s a good one and quite common! Just so everyone knows, this idiom is used to describe when you are feeling great!
Thanks for sharing!